Is Fear an Absolute in Our Nature?

Is it in our nature to fear or not to fear? I was watching a movie scene where a person ran across a room while  machine guns bullets tore across it in sync. What makes a person believe they can outrun a deadly shower like that?

Then I thought with God, there is no fear just absolute confidence in success. But how does one obtain that level of confidence when by nature, humans know fear, are comfortable with it and expect Its companionship into the unknown?

But do we always have to expect it? Is fear an illusion, one of the many false conditionings taught by humans for humans that are absorbed into their subconscious? Is fear a part of our nature anymore after we are reborn with the nature of God’s living within us?

Like with any learned negativity, a process of unlearning is required. Can we reprogram a very prominent and specific characteristic that is embedded in every fiber of our being into a permanent hibernation? Even though fear can be conquered, the fact remains It is there to be conquered. How does one eliminate Its root so the process of conquering is eliminated rendering void every particle of fear itself?

Is it like with the sudden urge to vomit when you try everything to squash the urge, push it down in order to rise above the nausea and proceed onward obstructed? How to squash the urge?How to eliminate its entire concept?

When we are reborn every positive characteristic strength is available for utilization. Every form of weakness becomes defeatable. The question is how and can it be as simple as understanding weakness is no longer an option that is to be felt and pondered over?

I believe it is, when clothed in the full Armour of God.


Who is to Blame for Pain and Suffering and the Best Plan of Defense


Everyone goes through difficult times in their life in various forms of traumas, heartbreaks, sickness,pain, betrayals and disappointments. Maybe your going through a painful time in a relationship, family, work or school. You could be going through emotional or financial loss. You’re hurt confused and angry. Maybe your situation is so dire you’ve been walking around with a leaking faith tank mad and frustrated with God. Maybe you’re wondering why is this happening to you why is God letting you suffer? But just who is to blame for pain and suffering in the world? It’s almost comical how many Christians are so quick to blame God knowing what the Word says from the 100s of hours they spend studying it and without so much a remembrance or reference to the cause of it all, the devil, is worthy of eyeball rolling. We have to remember the Christian life is a life of tribulation.

Why is this? Spiritual gullibility has a lot to do with it. Churches preach dainty, cotton, candy sermons always sunny side up laced with prosperity get blessed quick schemes that makes Christianity feel like an after school club where the requirements of membership is a bowl of potato salad once awhile for the monthly pot luck! If Christianity was that laid back and if God was so easily satisfied and pleased with a no brainer, takes no effort tribute (such has become the twisted modern day tithe) then every person in congregations in America would be millionaires and not just the ministers! God isn’t calling you to prosper materialistically as the church so wants you to believe,God doesn’t want or need our money, He wants our love and obedience. He tells us over and over money isn’t important for us. He wants us to prosper spiritually and we can’t do that if we’re not taught how to fuel our spirit, how to stand firm in it and how to defend it!

free will

What Christians understand;
That for now the devil rules the world, we are all born from sin and have a sin nature and God has given man free will. That’s quite a recipe for evil to prevail. We’re given a choice live for good or evil. And good isn’t easy. And  here in the darkness is where Christianity thrives, we are the lampposts in the world,it’s here in the midst of chaos the strong and faithful are separated from the lukewarm and it is here we prevail and persist to attain to the prize, the awesome gift of heaven. Continue reading

God Doesn’t want what you are going to be or
what you would like to be….He wants all that
you are today.

–Australian worship leader Darlene Zschech

His Love saves

rabid love consumes
the shadow of a corpse moans
His Son breathes life in

If You Were God

Asking humans this question, if you were a god and your people were waiting for you, how would you make your appearance? The majority of answers would be, definitely not quietly. Some would no doubt have a reality crew set up and ready to capture the theatrics of fireworks and flaming letters fanning across the sky to announce that you have  arrived. There you’d be standing dressed and draped in brilliant regalia within a glistening chariot made from billions of dazzling gems and being pulled by a winged beast with a head of a lion and body of a dragon accompanied by a universe class band. Something like that.

How very opposite of our God. How very beautiful and intimately personal did Jesus come into the world for us! First of all the Creator of the Universe, of everything past, present and future came to the world burning with an incomprehensible love and compassion for us all. He came so that we may know Him and know that He desires a personal relationship with each of us. He came to set us free and to give all an even/steven chance of receiving His gift of eternal life ruling along with Him forever in His kingdom.

He arrived by way every human could relate to and understand, human birth and chose to do so in the most humble way. He became accessible to all who yearn to know and love Him. He came so that  all can know and love Him. The kind of life our King chose here on earth announces that everyone, know mater your circumstance could become a part of His family and that all it takes is a willingness to see truth, see through the insignificance of mans world a fabricated merry go round of doctrine comprised of;   depressing,  limiting,  self serving ,oppressing,              listless, mindless, heartless callous, useless mandated redundant routine type existence………  requiring, obtaining, doing, going, being, becoming, having, needing, planning, occupying, lusting, wanting,           gathering, consuming, using, exploiting and all willing to  kill themselves following one person after the next down the escalator designated  for mere men idolizing itemized lists, ideas, definitions and rules by which they delusion themselves into believing and declaring that this is life, this is what we are born and bred for and  that this wasting of  heart and soul is worth breathing for.

Side note-that ain’t being free.

But when you see through the cyclone of bull, see there under all the debris there to what has always and will always be, the magnificent simplicity and beauty of His Word(! ) illuminating our purpose our existence and the promise that He has given to us! The awesomeness of His power, glory, grace  and promises He makes available at the insurmountable cost of free. All that He requires is our trust, belief,  faith and love as we follow and live for Him.

Who will you serve? The men of this world at the cost that always is and always will be- everything? Can you breath without anxiety? Can you sleep without worry? Is your day anyone? Does your work come with an uncompromising love from  caring, compassionate, considerate boss’ and co-workers who provide friendship and guidance and who are available to you 24 hours a day? Are you a valued, respected detrimental part of the company an aspect whose refined gifts and talents help keeps it together?

What happens 5, 10,20 years after you retire? Will any of those years you gave  to that job mater? Would they even let you back in the door? Will new and future employees’ know about the work you did there?  Would your old boss or company still even exist?
How about in the nursing home, when you’re terminal, and can’t walk or care for yourself will those people or that job come to your side and keep you company?Will they write or call?

How about family? Do you think that being connected by blood means family? Why, because they’re the most positive, influential, loving, understanding, intellectually and emotionally nourishing supportive people and you can’t live without their protection and comfort? Because they are the ones who  put their arms around you and lift you up when you’re down or who hold you during the times you’ve made a mess of things? Is it because they’re the ones who’ve helped and will help guide your life? Have they raised you to be a strong, honest, selfless, resilient, virtuous person who can’t but help to positively affect people who are inspired by your genuine concern?

Who will be at your side when you die, your past or your future? Who will you give your life too? Who and what will you live for?

March on Through the Wind

“March on march on through the wind and hail
we will not be bound to the lies they tell”

as more and more technology is released unto the hounds
reality slips further and further away
days blurr into pea soup
while the masses shoot up on
influenced illnesses
gobbling down prescriptions to get them through
their own created crisis
passing down ignorance
populating a country with mutants
this is what you get for 21 century intelligence

“But I need this, I need this fix to fill in
all the empty I’ve been told needs filling, my life
is such a mess, I’m soo deep in there’s nothing of me left”
humanities epitaph

the road is paved,gleaming over with pride and greed
disease and death
no mater how much fame and wealth you possess
nor how many people in the world know your name
doing anything to obtain popularity among men
is all done so in vain
none of that can give you breath
only those who give up their life
will live on after death

many will be chained to and
held back by the maddening reign of mediocrity
but a few rise above the tide and thrive
refusing to climb aboard the ship of vanities
a ship on coarse to collide with a predetermined destiny
it carries the twisted ideas of individualism and success
attached to the envy and foolishness
of souls who give up their place in the eternal kingdom
for an income fit for the dead

the strong clothe themselves in humbleness and
soar above the sky and land billowing with fumes of foolishness, arrogance, selfishness,
sickness and poverty of the soul
watching in sorrow
of all the possibilities a brand new world holds
chosen to bare the dream
is one that mankind’s
blacked to ash
turning their backs
trampling on the precious gift;
that of which is the meaning of our existence

here in tribulation we joyfully stand
with sight we see and a knowing we understand
our voices shout out praise and thanks to He who
gives us grace
He who delivers us from evil
He who gives us strength to defeat the great deceiver
His word is food for all believers
here in salvation seekers find the one and only truth
the one truth that severs mankind’s freedom noose

How the Power in Forgiving Enemies betters Our World













How to forgive and pray for your enemies isn’t a course offered in grade school curriculum.  If we’re lucky enough to have wise parents to teach us both why and how to forgive are we able to react without hesitating.

Forgiving and praying about my enemies wasn’t something I ever thought about prior to being reborn. I got the forget part down though. I would choose not to think about those who’ve betrayed me, those who’ve caused so much damage to my life and those who have tried to kill me. I just emptied their existence from my thoughts until they ceased to be. I was good at blocking things out. That’s how I coped with the never ending cycle of psychological warfare that was afflicted upon me every single day of my life . The  fact that I wasn’t allowed to ever feel any thing about any event, traumatic or wonderful, let alone process the situation, made it easy for me to act like it was no big deal and that nothing could hurt me no matter how bullied I was. Forgiving them wasn’t even on my mind. I didn’t know about the power of forgiving and praying for enemies. I didn’t know just how important both are to the victim and the criminal.

It wasn’t until I receive the Holy Spirit did I learn what prayer and forgiveness can achieve.  This is just one aspect of truth that He makes known to you that helps raise us out from the lies of the human world. In mans world their idea of rehabilitation hasn’t yet advanced out from the dark ages. You can put criminals in jail for punishment and forget about them but evil abounds where evil exists.  What difference is it when an evil person serves decades in jail only to be released as he was or worse? That punishment serves no purpose. It allows the crimes to be repeated upon others. What justice is there if the criminal repeats the crimes? Over 40% of convicts released are jailed again for the same crime or worse. A spouse that cheats will cheat again or they will live in denial. The verbally abusive boyfriend doesn’t stop with the next person. The lazy worker, the mean boss the delusional selfish politician believe only in their cause and can see nothing wrong with it. Killers and sex criminals claim to have no control over their urges and  no amount of punishment will cure them.

Until the day when Americans finally realize violence begets violence and humans when treated like animals will act like such, prayer and forgiveness is a power we all possess and the best weapon against evil .

God works in people and one way I believe He decides to impart the Holy Spirit within people is by the prayers of others requesting it. Philippians 4:6 says to make your requests known to God and James 5:16 says to pray for one another that you may be healed. Anything is possible through prayer. God takes the impossible and makes it possible. He sees promise where we see hopelessness.  The Holy Spirit has given me answers and insight to areas where my mind was  closed too before.
I understand what blindness  does to unbelievers and those who are fake Christians, I know because I used to be one. But when they’re reborn some of the  worst kinds of souls make the best hero’s in history. And when there is tremendous change there is such strength and dedication and passion that even a lot of average life long Christians haven’t yet matured into. Look at Paul of tarsus. An evil and most hateful man. What a transformation to the  apostle responsible for most of the new testament writings and along with the other apostles, for changing the world and bringing hope, life and salvation to us through the words of Jesus Christ.

C.S Lewis became one of the most influential contemporary Christian apologetics after rejecting God for over  half of his life. “”Now is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us that chance. It won’t last forever. We must take it or leave it.”

 Charles Colson who during the Nixon administration was labeled by Slate magazine writer David Plotz as “the evil genius of an evil administration” and Nixons hard man. He did a lot of bad/dirty stuff in politics. But after reading Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis his whole life changed and in 1973 became a Christian and then become a leading evangelical Christian leader  dedicating  his life to the Lord.  In 1974 he went to jail and in 1976 after prison he created  Prison Fellowship , which today is “the nation’s largest outreach to prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families.” He received 15 honorary doctorates, wrote 30 books and was the recipient of some of the Salvation Armies top civic award and the worlds largest cash prize award the Templeton.

Colson was famously quoted in contemporary Christian music artist Steven Curtis Chapmans song Heaven  in the real world as saying;

“Where is the hope? I meet millions of people who feel demoralized by the decay around us. The hope that each of us has is not in who governs us, or what laws we pass, or what great things we do as a nation. Our hope is in the power of God working through the hearts of people. And that’s where our hope is in this country. And that’s where our hope is in life.”

These men whose hearts were once black came to know Christ and went on to make the world a better place in the name of God.I want all enemies to have a radical transformation and go on to better our world. I want to be a part of praying for that chance. Do I forgive my enemies? Do I pray for them and that God will work in them? Absolutely! I don’t forget about them and act like nothing happened anymore. I do the best thing I can for them and the best most powerful thing that I can do for all of us , I hope and pray for their salvation not for their downfall.  It is that simple.

He is Risen and So to are You

Jesus-paid-it-all easte_1024x768



When a person  has faith and accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord, when he/she repents and confesses and believes with all of their heart that Jesus was sent by God to die  (which He did willingly out of Love for us) for our sins to set us free and give us eternal everlasting life ruling with Him in His kingdom after death—our old life, the way we think, feel, and act is crucified, it dies and we are reborn, we rise up with a new life with new eyes and with a new fantastic freedom in Christ.

When our old life dies,  the  Holy Spirit is able to fill us making us brand new.  The transformation is amazing and powerful.  You are ready to move forward in your walk with Jesus. You see the perfection of all of His teachings. You see how simple and easy it is to obey and adjust your life to moving on the straight path of truth and love.

There isn’t any such thing as a luke warm Christian. It’s called  NOT being a Christian.  Don’t let anyone tell you lukewarm Christians are good, that they are the peacekeepers that they are the comforters. NO they are the weak and ignorant. God hates lukewarm Revelation 3:15-16.

Jesus died for us. What friend or neighbor would submit themselves to  hours of extreme torture and then death for you?  No one. People today sue over being called a name.   Don’t waste your life trying to appeal to those around you by being  everything to everyone. That is a sure way to lose your life and take others down with you. If you aren’t strong enough to live  in truth and you seek popularity instead of Heaven, don’t embarrass yourself by calling yourself a Christian.

To those who have just accepted Christ or who haven’t yet received the Holy Spirit, keep studying the Word, keep praying and keep around Christians who do have the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit comes to you get ready for the most awesomely amazing, fantastic, unbelievable transformation experience ever! !……and

Welcome to this powerful life in Christ!