Walk the Line

Whats a great way to tone those inner and outer thighs? Walk the lines on the side of the road. When your forced to put one foot directly in front of the other good things happen! If your not able to walk the road lines then try to invision one and do your best to imagine your walking across a beam (gymnastics). It adds a twist (literally) to the same old kind of walk with the added firming bonus. Go as far as you can because its hard at first for those of us who aren’t used to walking a straight line.

Five Herbs and Minerals for the over worked soul

These are some of the best herbs, the heavy hitters that combat stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, rebuild damage in your body that is caused by a continued state of flight and fight response caused by severe, continual stress. These also all have the extra vanity factor as they are awesome for a better looking and feeling you (it’s not vanity to want to look and feel like a champ!) All of these I have taken, am taking and they’ve done wonders for me where all modern medicine and modern Dr.s have failed and in fact have caused indescribable harm to my body for which I am taking these amongst other stuff to undo and just cope with the horrific painful effects of their stupidity and ignorance.

Number One:
If your are looking for a way to combat stress and not get over whelmed and all anxiety-d out during the day, ASHWAGANDHA is what is fabulous! It is an adaptogen, it rejuvenates and kicks up your immune and nervous system. It gives nourishment to muscle and bone and supports your adrenals. If you have adrenal fatigue which is the number one cause of your whole system breaking down making you feel like hell and tired beyond life this helps repair and recover. It will give you energy to calm you down. When your adrenals are shot your body is in a perpetual state of flight response and your body can’t produce natural energy nor rest properly. You’ve got to re-balance your system and cortisol levels. It could take months or years depending on the severity of damage done to your adrenals.

Number two.
Rhodiola (sometimes called Siberian ginseng is like ashwagandha but it is more of a stimulant. It too aids in muscle recovery and strengthens your immune and nervous system. It sharpens your memory and boosts your mood. It has been very popular in Russia/Siberia for centuries as people live a harsh life in frozen darkness. So if you suffer from seasonal disorder where you are a bear in the winter than that would be a good time to take this. Pilot in long distance training programs take it to keep alert. And scientists in Russia use it to keep there minds sharp. It too gives you energy to help calm.

Number three:
You want to calm nerves? PASSION FLOWER calms the nervous system to relax you. It works like a Valium for some people with sensitive systems. Take the tincture at night before bed with your magnesium, c, and D and your body will be ready to relax and sleep. In the point in my life where my adrenals were so shot I was in a perpetual state of anxiety this really instantly (after 15 min) calmed me right down.

Number four:
For women DONG QUAI is the beauty herb with all around amazing benefits. It balances estrogen, tones the blood and moves it (which keeps you looking and feeling young) has E,A, B12 (regulates normal function of brain and nervous system and blood formation), folic acid (required in everyone to build normal red blood cells), nicotinic acid (an essential human nutrient) Biotin (hair) increases circulation, and detoxifies and is an anti-inflammatory and anti-anti-anemic. Have you ever wondered why Chinese women look so young and wrinkle free? This herb is used in most all of Chinese blood building formulas. It too is used for anxiety and is especially helpful to women who have severe mood swings caused by periods- it mimics dopa mine (take it for the two weeks before your period.)

Number five:
And the last major one we will discuss for today is good old MAGNESIUM. This is the most underused mineral in the united states. A huge percentage of people are deficient in it. If anyone of the many Dr.s I have seen over the years for chronic fatigue were brilliant enough to get back to tried and true basic healing than I could have prevented the osteoporosis and degenerative bone disease I am dealing with because of their total lack of basic doctoring principles.
What stress does to your body is causes severe inflammation, inflammation cooks down fluids which (I don’t know the whole medical jargon ) sucks out the calcium from your bones. So the minerals your taking are able to get to there proper place and your left with brittle bones, degeneration. arthritis, bones spurs and other calcification- Your body is left in a state of breakdown. Now if one Dr. explained how important magnesium is (along with all the above) I would not have these pains. Also magnesium calms your muscles and nerves. When I first took it at night with C and D a whole warm rush of relaxation flooded my body and I slept for the first time in comfort. Magnesium is the nerve pain miracle and wonder mineral for every function of what keeps you in tip top shape -feeling wise and appearance-wise.
Don’t take magnesium with calcium they are competitors.

Now these herbs (except for mag) can be taken for a month or two then take a break. If your using the Dong Quai for your periods than you can take it every month for the two weeks leading up to it. You can investigate how long you should be on any herb and vitamin because they all very. But your system needs a break so variation is the best course of action.