

First, whether you read read posts from my WP beginning, or now, my writing style isn’t changing. I still and always will write  in the style God gifted me more in; poetry. So whether I’m writing thoughts and facts about the humorous, the serious , of triumphs or tragedies in life-most will be written one way or another in  some form of creative flair. I hope you enjoy!

Thank you!

(This about me is my wordpress past life.
I am still this person but I’ve been growing. The encounter with the
Holy Spirit made everything clear about purpose and things about myself.
Everything I say in this about me is still true,
only my focus for writing now is to share,help,teach and learn from what’s been
revealed to me; God, the Bible and Gods children)

Hello and Welcome:)

My name is Hannah.  I am a truth warrior. I can’t help it, I was born this way. The very first thing I ever fell in love with are words.  I’m a real Christian, always growing, forever learning,  maturing until death and never willing to compromise these things in order to fit in with fleeting popular trends. And why would anyone want to? I have stumbled, I have fallen, I have sinned while calling myself a “good” person, and since being born again, I want no part of those fake flakey, bakey, wishy, washy half in half out lukewarm, who love wallowing in their ignorance preaching this is the Christian life- Christian type–types!.

Humans are a wacky race. Always demanding the truth from “you” yet unwilling to return the consideration.

I write poems, articles and thoughts about world truths I have known and those I have just realized.  I have no hate but for lies and for the ugly consequences that they produce and which  always end in destruction.

Maybe you’ll find something you agree with and maybe you won’t or maybe you’ll read something and think about it a way you hadn’t thought before.

We are capable of such awesomeness ! If we can get just half  of the country off of  celebrity-gossip- crack and evolve them into real use full people,  we can accomplish many wonderful forward thinking projects to better and raise our country out of the laughing stock of hypocrisy that it is.

I have to say that my right now my content tends to be posted sporadically because I;m in the long  process of  trying to  repair and recover from excitotoxicity and sometimes I can’t move from pain and sometimes from adrenal exhaustion.

Thank you

Write On:)



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